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The BAD parameter specifies the name and location of the bad file. If any records are rejected due to data formatting errors, SQL*Loader will write the record to the bad file. For example, a field could exceed its specified length and be rejected by SQL*Loader. Note that besides the records rejected by SQL*Loader, other records may be rejected by the database. For example, if you try to insert rows with duplicate primary key values, the database will reject the insert. These records will be part of the bad file as well. If you don t explicitly name a bad file, Oracle will create one and use a default name with the control filename as a prefix. BAD = '/u01/app/oracle/load/financeload.bad'

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Included among these directories and files are the system files, which are static, and user files. As a DBA, your main concern will be the Oracle software files and database files.

You can execute hundreds of commands at the command prompt. Don t get overwhelmed just yet, though: of the many commands available to you, you ll find that you ll only use a handful on a dayto-day basis. This section covers the basic commands you ll need to operate in the UNIX environment.

The following tables summarize all of the previously discussed scenarios. Table 10-1 displays the availability of the variable that is initially set in the loop (firstvar). Note that in all shells except the manual loop method used by the Bourne shell, this variable is unavailable for use following the loop s completion.

If you need help using a command, you can type man at the command prompt, along with the name of the topic you re trying to get help with. For example, if you type in the expression man date, you ll receive information about the date command, examples of its use, and a lot of other good stuff. For more details, see the Help and Info: The man Command section later in this chapter.

As usual in software development, it is useful to precisely define the developer s task before starting to write code I am aware that the sentence you just read might sound as if I copied it from a second-rate book about software design from the early 90s, but for wrapping native libraries, defining the tasks carefully is of special importance If you have to wrap a native library, the task seems obvious there is an already existing native library, and a managed API has to be implemented to bring the features of the native library to the managed world For most wrapping projects, this generic task description is insufficient by far Without a more precise view of the task, you will likely write one managed wrapper class for each native type of a C++ library.

The UNIX shell has a few simple, built-in commands. The other commands are all in the form of executable files that are stored in a special directory called bin (short for binary ). Table 3-1 presents some of the more important UNIX commands that you ll need to know. The UNIX commands tend to be cryptic, but some should be familiar to Windows users. The commands cd and mkdir in Windows, for example, have the same meaning in UNIX. Many UNIX commands have additional options or switches (just like their MS-DOS counterparts) that extend the basic functionality of the command, and Table 3-1 shows the most useful command switches. Table 3-1. Basic UNIX Commands

The cd command enables you to change directories. The format is cd new-location. The example shown here takes you to the directory /tmp directory, from your current working directory. The date command gives you the time and date. With the echo command, you can display text on your screen.

The grep command is a pattern-recognition command It enables you to see if a certain word or set of words occurs in a file or the output of any other command In the example shown here, the grep command is checking whether the word alapati occurs anywhere in the file testtxt (The answer is yes) The grep command is very useful when you need to search large file structures to see if they contain specific information If the grepped word or words aren t in the file, you ll simply get the UNIX prompt back, as shown in the second example The history command gives you the commands entered previously by you or other users To see the last three commands, type history -3 The default number of commands shown depends on the specific operating system, but it is usually between 15 and 20.

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